audio disk may be full! not again...


New member
someone please help...I keep getting this especially...yesterday it would only pop up every so often now always...I cant get through the song...

My specs....
gateway essential 500
A 10 gig harddrive with the OS on it
1 40 gig partitioed in half one with the wave data folder on it
256 megs of RAM
a 32 bit video card
500 MHZ processor
Tascam pci-822 sound card
Tascam Tm-D100 mixer
i/o buffers at 128 (but I have tried them all)
running at 24bits 48k

The thing is is that one day it runs smooth and the next I have problems and I havent touched any settings.....please help me configure this darn thing for good ....

also on a slightly different note...I can no longer access cooledit pro through the tool menu....

any tips for my setup would be much much much appreciated...thanx
What's on the other half of the 40 GB HDD?? Where's Sonar installed? Where are your picture files being saved to? Where are your .wrk files stored? Is the audio drive (wave data) actually full? When was the last time you defragged?

Let's start with answers to those and maybe we can give you some help.