audimute blankets


New member
Whats the deal with these things? I've seen them on ebay , they claim to have an stc or nrc of .70 Any body know anything about them and how well they work or is rigid fiberglass and mineral wool the better route? Some how i feel like i already know the answer to that question! :D

> Some how i feel like i already know the answer to that question! :D <

Yeah, no kidding. :cool:

Regardless, NRC is a meaningless spec for music applications because it's the average absorption for just the range of speech frequencies. To assess the usefulness of absorbing material for music you need to see absorption versus frequency in octave or third-octave bands.

or is rigid fiberglass and mineral wool the better route?
First off, if you were interested in "Audiomute", I assume you were looking for something to "soundproof" or block sound. If that is correct, forget rigid fiberglass or other treatment products as a sound "proofing" product. Absorption
products will NOT block sound transmission. If on the other hand your investigation into "audiomute" was for treatment, I'm afraid you were looking at the wrong type of product, as this is a product that supposedly "blocks" sound I think. At least the name infers this is its purpose. However, I also believe this is a joke too, as it is FILLED with a proprietary absorption material. Hmmm, why were you looking at this product, treatment or isolation? :confused: