Attack and Release

The Engineer

New member
Can anybody break it down and explain it in laymen terms? I don't mean to sound like a complete idiot, but people have explained it to me before and compressing is the only thing I think I lack in my mixing. Also could you explain what a fast or slow attack/release would do to the sound ...

I'd appreciate any feedback.
Well, attack is the front edge of the wave form as it hits the compressor. The volume rises higher that the threshold, and the compressor is supposed to throttle it back.

Now it might respond instantly.. or it might wait a little while. This wait before the onset of the effect is the attack time.

Now at the other end, as the volume drops, the compression that's being applied releases when it goes below the threshold. The time it takes to transition from compression to no compression is the release time.

Check out this article for a more thorough discussion: