at4033 vs. at4040


New member
Which mic would be better suited for hip hop and rock vocals? I've had pretty good results with the at4033, but I've never used the at4040. Some people say that the response is flatter with at4040, but I was wondering if it had less silibance?
I like my 4040 a lot. It's clean and relatively flat. I have a C1 and it tends to add a lot of high end comparatively. That being said, I like how my NTK is warm and has a little something more in the mids and low for my voice.

Remember that the 4033 and the 4040 are very different mics. The 4033 is an MDC and the 4040 is LDC. They look similar but are very different. I'd say if you can, take both and use them interchangebly for those voices each suits! That's why I have several LDC's....

I have a 4033 and it is very useful, especially for less than perfect voices. The color it adds can make the difference. On the other hand, tracking several vocals (for example, lead + backups) with it gives a "hump" in the frequency response that is annoying...and, if I change it out with a less colored mic, the 4033 sounds a little recessed in comparison.
You are right that the AT4040 has a flatter response than the 4033, and IMO it is a little more versatile than the 4033. Both are great mics. For lead vocals, flatter is not necessarily better. I've done a lot of recording with most of the mics mentioned so here are my thoughts:

4040: Great mic to have around, you can throw it on a lot of stuff and it will be fine. Not my fist pick on most lead vocals but it will not suck.

SP C1: Oh the memories! Great little mic, but no U87. Has a ton of top end and is not very won't be putting it on most instruments and get a very good sound (although it is great on the side of a snare). I had one rapper who loved it and sounded better on it than on any other mic. Most people sounded OK on it, unless they had a high nasaly voice.

Rode NTK: pretty sweet, but similar to the C1 in that it's not super versatile...but the sound quality is much better. Likewise, I had this one acoustic player/singer that sounded like a million bucks on it. It was average on everyone else.

Shure KSM27: similar to the 4040 in applications. Great mic for under $300 and sounds decent on a lot of sources, but not necessarily stellar

Shure Beta87 (a or c): awesome mics...doesn't look like your typical studio mic, but is a condenser, and does sound good. It's not real versatile but it usually sounds pretty good on vocals. It could do real well on rock vocals, and it could double as a live sound microphone. It's also more durable than most condenser microphones.

Also, check out the new Groove Tubes mics. They just released a new line at NAMM (it includes some of the old ones). In your price range you might want to check out the GT50 and the MD1b-FET. The GT50 is a little more open, with the MD1b having a darker, more vintage tone.
I want to make sure i don't screw something up.

All of the mics mentioned have strengths and weaknesses. My attitiude has always been that I'll end up buying another mic, anyway, so I might as well add to my collection. If you buy a quality mic (as opposed to the $79.95 Chinese stuff everybody's peddling these days) you'll find a use for it. My RODE NT1000 is a little bright for vocals, but, boy, does it sound great on my '30's Regal resonator.
Thanks for the comments.

LP you a right about the annoying boost with the 4033. That's why I'm looking into the 4040 because I record alot of rappers and after about 2 or 3 background vocal tracks (depending on the voice) the vocal mix sounds kind of harsh or silibant in the midrange (its hard for me to explain it). I bought antares microphone modeler and sometimes I change the model for the backgroud vocals(I know I could just use EQ, but sometimes I'm pushed for time) and it usually sounds better and sometimes I use another mic (like the cad m177 for background vocals), but face it I'm just lazy and would like to find a mic near the same price range that will give me similar results without the build on other vocal tracks.
I've got 'em both and the 4033 gets a lot more action. More character, better on acoustic, I don't use either on vox. By the way, if you're interested in a 4040........................( BK was gagged and dragged away by the spam police) signed Mrs. Big Kenny