Asus Xonar D2X: input refresh problems after plugging


I noticed some refresh troubles with my Asus Xonar D2X, unless I am missing something.

When I first tried to transfer some tapes, I plugged the Line In. It took some time until the input was detected as plugged and the driver or windows would enable it. Once done, I could see the Line input in the Windows Mixer.
However, Audacity wouldn't use it until enabled. If I tried before seeing it in the volume mixer, I would get an error (device not ready, from memory).

I then tried the Mic input. Same trouble: either the driver or Windows wouldn't detect that something was plugged in the Mic input in order to add it to the volume mixer and make it appear in Audacity. Of course, it finally appeard by itself for some obscure reasons. In any case, this wasn't straight after plugging.

I finally went back with the Line In. I unplugged the Mic and plugged the Line In. The Mic input staid enabled but not the Line It. It wouldn't show up until I manually disabled the Mic input from the control panel. It appeared after running Audacity again but I doubt this caused the input to enable.

Is this a known issue ? If so, is there a workaround ? I really want that whatever input gets unplugged or plugged gets automatically removed / added in the volume mixer and eventualy be immadiately usable in Audacity.

Note: with my previous PC (onboard audio chipset) I could enable / disable anything easily right in the volume mixer and I could select any input which, if enabled, would always show in the program used (Goldwave from memory).

Any hint appreciated.

Thanks !