Assigning control surfaces to Master level?


New member
Hi folks,

I'm mapping all of the sliders, knobs, etc on my MPD24 to tracks in Sonar, and it's super handy. I've got everything working right now save one thing. How do I go about assigning a slider to Master?

It allows me to assign per-track, which is nice, so I have sliders for everything and knobs for pan, the stop/record/etc buttons all work, but I want to use slider 6 for master level instead of Track 6 level, and I can't seem to figure out how to pull that off. Any insight would be awesome. :) Thanks!
usually thats done from the controll panel of the controller... not from with the prog like the channels usually are... make sense???
Not really, but I'm a complete newbie to all things MIDI and both manuals (the MPD and Sonar) deal more with custom settings than something so completely basic like this. :D I _think_ all I want to do is assign control 007 on MIDI channel 1A to Master in Sonar, but I don't see anywhere on the slider or in the control surface setup that I can do that.

Thank you though! :)
is there a controll panel for it in widows under... well ... controll panel??? you know... on the start button...
Naw, it's just a generic MIDI controller, it'd definitely be a cakewalk setting somewhere. Eventually I'll stumble across it and post up if I find it. Thanks man. :)
find the master (volume??? ) this is a stereo output??... right click the RIGHT fader and select group and an unused color..... map the same color to the LEFT slider....

right click the LEFT fader and select remote control...

on the new window click >Controller<.. (the value gadget at the side will now be active)...

wiggle the slider/knob on your external gear at the same time click >LEARN< in sonar