ASIO Problems with Omni Studio


New member
I am using a M-Audio Omni Studio (Delta 66 soundcard) setup and am having trouble recording and playing back audio files . When I attempt to record a signal, guitar for example, the unit will record for roughly a minute and then I get the following error message:

System overload
The audio engine was not able to
process all required data in time

I will also sometimes get the same error message if I am playing back audio files. My computer may or may not crash after getting several of these messages.

My setup is as follows.

PC Pentium III – 1 GHz
256 MB RAM
40 GB HD
Windows ME 4.90.3000

Logic Delta version 4.6
M-Audio ASIO Driver version

Any ideas as to how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Neither do I use Logic, nor the Omni. But I do use Delta 1010 and Nuendo.
I suggest that you check that Logic is set to use correct ASIO driver: dont use any other ASIO driver that you have in Windows except for M-Audio ASIO.
Just an idea...

Thanks for the suggestion. I do have the correct M-Audio ASIO driver selected in the control panel. I have completely run out of ideas as to how to fix this problem and am dead in the water. I have sent e-mail to M-Audio but have recevied no response.

How's a poor slob supposed to make music?