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Good Post Word_Play.............
When she hit the scene, I felt she was decent looking (A 'lil fly) with a decent voice.
I like the single she has out now. If she stays within her own realm of singing, I think it will result in her longevity.
But for some reason it looks like she has upgraded her physical appearance by like 27%, and I'm good with numbers. DAMN ASHANTI, STOP PLAYIN! ! ! ! ! !

Beyonce is still top notch in the Industry. Total package, ya mean! ! !

one Love

Beyonce --------> Hot
Ashanti -------> Hot
Mya-------> Hot
But my "Ghetto Queen" of all time is my Baby Mary J BLige!
She is my typical around da way girl to kick it with, chill, or get buck wild!
Went to a Ashanti concert Friday night and I was amazed at how good she sound. Dat gurl can sang fo real !!

No autotune.
No effects.
The soundman had her Dry as hell, but she sound just like the damn songs.

Oh, She fine as hell too. No Beyonce, but she can hold her own.

malcolm123 said:
Went to a Ashanti concert Friday night and I was amazed at how good she sound. Dat gurl can sang fo real !!

No autotune.
No effects.
The soundman had her Dry as hell, but she sound just like the damn songs.


Are you sure she wasnt pulling a Milli Vanilli?

NAW, I know enough to know when the milli V is being pulled.

She was singing straight through with no effects.

She sounds damn good. I was impressed.

She fine tooo !!1


Beyonce = NOT EVEN

Ashanti = NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!. And she cant sing or write either !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trumpspade said:

Is Baby girl looking good or what?
She's not the finest....Its just how they marketing & promoting her thats poisoning your mind to think that she looks flawless or fine ass hell.........
Never said Ashanti was the finest, flawless, or even fine as Hell. Don't get it twisted!
I was impressed with her appearance at the BET awards, I am entitled to my own opinion right? Is my mind poisoned for recognizing a Nubian Princess? If so, I'll just walk around poisoned as hell................
