As Well As I Can See You


New member
Well, here's my first try with posting an mp3 from something done in the home studio. I would appreciate honest feedback on the song "As Well As I Can See You", particularly the overall sound quality. I'm not thrilled with the quality of the mp3 format, but it's the best I can do for now.

Very nice indeed sir. I like sparce arrangements (just listen to some of the tunes from a poster here named Erland. Fantastic stuff) but I have to agree with Sami on this. A violin or cello solo on this would make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Again, very nice tune and recording.
The guitar is nicely captured and the vocal are clean and clear. Any suggested adjustments are beyond me.

Nice song, progression and melody. The lyrics are a tad confused at times but, that is just writers preferance I think.

Solid job

thanks guys. I definitely plan to go back and add a solo and some vocal harmonies-- I was just kinda testing out the new gear. Anyways, the areas I know I'm weak in are things like how much to compress the vocals and how much reverb, etc. I guess if nobody's cringing and covering their ears so far, it can't be that far off...