As they say...


Knows Not What He's Doing
Curiosity killed the cat! In other words, I'd like to get some feedback.
Here's a song of mine recorded in a little 12' x 8' carpeted room out in my garage.
It's punk rock and I'm singing and playing every instrument...
The song is called, Bragg Exagerate and Lie.
Sounds good on these headphones.
Reminds me a lot of earlier Pennywise. The vocals & sounds...
Ha, I read the review above and Pennywise reminds me of Bad Religion.
Anyway, good tight playing and lots of energy. Sounds like good clarity on the instruments too.
Good work ;)
SnakeDog5050 said:
Sounds good on these headphones.
Reminds me a lot of earlier Pennywise. The vocals & sounds...
Ha, I read the review above and Pennywise reminds me of Bad Religion.
Anyway, good tight playing and lots of energy. Sounds like good clarity on the instruments too.
Good work ;)
SnakeDog, thanks!

...if you only knew.:D ;)
This tune has lots of energy which keeps it grooving from start to finish. I like the overlap of the vocals that happens - I think on the chorus - nice effect. I can't hear the pitchiness - maybe that's just my inexperienced ears though - it sounds ok to me. Everything seems well mixed. Like the panning on the drums..... Good Tune....
ido1957 said:
This tune has lots of energy which keeps it grooving from start to finish. I like the overlap of the vocals that happens - I think on the chorus - nice effect. I can't hear the pitchiness - maybe that's just my inexperienced ears though - it sounds ok to me. Everything seems well mixed. Like the panning on the drums..... Good Tune....
Ido, thanks for the comments!
The pitchiness is mostly just a few lines throughout the song (that I'm aware of). I know it's not perfect, but I didn't really shoot for that (obviously:p)...
This is actually a song that I wrote, recorded and sang in a three hour garage tweak sesh (not actually on tweak though :eek: ). Some of the vocals are actually from the first test run through...
The song from the begining, wasn't really meant to be displayed. But, it turned out decent, so I figured I'd throw it out to the wolves and see if it would come back in one piece. ;)
I really appreciate all the comments.

PS. This was the first song I was able to record the vox with my SM7. I love that mic!