Argg Help


New member

when bumbeling about a coffe shop outside Grand avenue recording studios in Hamilton Ont. I overheard some old timer tech guys talking of some mythical odd ball peice of gear and i was curious if anyone could point me in an intellegent direction

i heard of Anolog Guitar synths particularly one made by ARP called the Avatar and an other called the Synthe Hyflyte supposedly favourd by David Gilmore i scrubbed but without any real intellegent direction to take my search im kinda lost

anyone know anything about Vintage Anolog Guitar synths? I plan to use it with (left side) two Trainer Bass Master Eliet Heads (85 watts each EL34 JAN phillips CE tubes) 1 Trainer 8X10 cab 2 Trainer Bass reflex mid bins, SPLIT with a Lhal (i dont know how you spell it!) A B box to (right side) A bunch of Grimy ass cheep ass Solid State Practice amps wired together and cranked to the point of obserdity. (mind you the two trainers aint nun to quiet either)

any sugestions?
David Gilmore the jazz player? Or are you talking about the Pink Floyd guy David Gilmour?

Anyway, all I know about it is that there was indeed an ARP Avatar, I remember the bold ads in Guitar Player boasting of how it would transform the musical landscape.

Trouble was, as I recall, it was not very good, and rather expensive, and few people went for it, and ARP went out of business. I'm sure it tracked terribly and was probably only two or four-note polyphonic (if that), like most keyboards still were in those days.
Floyd Gilmor

Gilmore of floyd

I herd that the Heafuzz pickup was supposed to be sloppy what about controaling the arp with something like a Roland
GR- sumthin sumthin? (gotta love my eloquent description of that)
what about controaling the arp with something like a Roland GR- sumthin sumthin?

I think you would either have to be an electronics engineer, or hire one. The Avatar was a pre-MIDI device. You would have to know how the sounds on the Avatar were triggered originally and then figure out how to translate the signals from the GR-whatever to the appropriate form.

yeah i figured, Evreything ive recerched thus far has been on the net and i read that someone in penselvania (somewhere) did that so i was not shure if it was a simple matter of output input loop routing or if he was a mad scientist but ok either way would the sketchy hexafuzz work if im splitting the signal Arp pn the right Heavy guitar Crunch on the left i would want it just sitting in behind for extra "spice" my thinking is even if its monophonic i just need it for ambiance