Are you trying to make your own website?

DJ Shands

New member
Hey guys, Ive been seeing alot of posts asking how to get your own music website set up, and honestly it can seem overwhelming at first. However, i have personally seen huge benefits from creating my own website including a huge spike in exposure. I can safely tell you guys, its well worth your time and effort. I recently took alot of personal time to write some articles on my website about an easy step by step way to do this. If this is something that you've been wanting to do then check it out here. Hope i can help some of you guys out and let me know if you have any questions!
I personally wish that they'd do away with all computers and the Internet! LOL! But since thats not going to happen, the advice you gave is good advice and the information you provided is something that can be useful not only to my own digital-technology-hating-grouchy-ass, but also useful to others. Thanks for the link.
It's also a pretty blatant way to get a kickback of some kind (note the 'discount code' thing). No doubt that having yoru own domain name is good, but as mentioned (but not desribed) you still need to find a hosting site. Most hosting sites offer the domain name as part of the deal ...
I sit next to the guy in our office who handles customers' DNS setup for them. I actually highly recommend buying your own domain on the side instead of getting your host to do it for you.
1. It gives you more control over the domain. It's not that complicated to set up DNS, but having to talk to customer support and have them make changes for you is a giant hassle.
2. It protects you if you decide to transfer hosts. If your host bought your domain for you, you'll have to convince them to transfer it back to you if/when you leave.
I would recommend a site written valid, standards compliant code in order to make it work consistently across different browsers, operating systems etc.

You can copy a page's address out of the address bar and paste it into this site to get a report on whether it's coded correctly:

The W3C Markup Validation Service

Valid code isn't absolutely necessary but it's a good sign things are being done correctly.
I've done my own site using Web Expression and I gotta say, It Sucks!!!

I've rummaged through Steve's links before :eek: but I'm under the impression that I need to subscribe to something and pay monthly yearly. Is that correct, Steve?? I hate subscription based services. :mad:
Yeah, sorry Chili. I gotta eat! It's $20 a month, so if your band plays a show each week, that's 2 fewer cheap beers (or one good beer) per show.