are these mics very good...

You have to allow time for people to answer. Experts aren't necessarily on hand at all hours of every day to meet your needs. Especially on a Friday night (maybe they have a gig).

I've never used these mics, but I'll give you my opinion anyway, since you are so impatient. Unless you are going to leave the kit miked up all the time, I think most drum mic packs are a waste of money. The inexpensive packs almost always compromise in some way. You would likely be better served getting a few good mics that would be suitable for a variety of recording tasks.

For example, get a decent pair of Small Diaphragm Condensers (MXL 603s, Oktava MC012, Studio Projects C4, etc.). These will make better overheads than most mics in those packs and can also do double duty for recording acoustic instruments.

Get a good Large Diaphragm Dynamic mic (Shure Beta 52, AKG D112, or for a few more $$ Shure SM7B or Electrovoice RE20 would be even better). This will work great for your kick drum, but can also be good on guitar/bass cabinets and some deeper voices.

Then, pick up one or more Small Diaphragm Dynamics (Shure SM57, etc.). These will work on snare & toms (if needed), but are versatile enough for guitar cabs and some vocal parts as well.

Getting started with this setup, you may spend a few more bucks in the beginning, but will be building a mic locker far beyond drums. In my opinion, you really only need 4 mics for most drum kits (snare, kick, & 2 overheads), unless you are doing prog rock, in which case you'd want a better mic pack than you have listed anyway. For a 4-mic setup, like I have listed, you could get them all new for $400-$500, and considerably less if you shop around for used mics (ebay, etc.).

Good luck.
Greatest mics ever made.

Better than your best Neumanns and Telefunkens combined.

What were those model numbers again?
forgive me if i seemed impatient. i didn't intend to..i just started messing around with recording and was getting antsy cause i was going to go to dorseys music.
chessrock said:
Greatest mics ever made.

Better than your best Neumanns and Telefunkens combined.

What were those model numbers again?

Oh yeah!

In fact, you probably a little bit too talented for this board. You should probably find a place where more pros hang out.
EleKtriKaz said:
You should probably find a place where more pros hang out.

Maybe you need to find a place where more chicks hang out ... because it sounds like you're cranky and haven't gotten any in a while.