Are there or are there not flying saucers , UFO's or (the new you're not a crazy guy name for them) UAP's


All you have is now
So the search function in this new BBS comes up with nothin...So I'll start it new here...since it is starting to get real...

Carl Sagan said either, there are none or they are everywhere.. or was it Arthur C Clark.

Saucers are real ..We've been making them since the 50's. Fun times. See China's drone army? Or Russias robot tank divisions?
Obviously.....there's some evidence to say that aliens might exist.

Equally as obvious....there's no evidence to say that they don't.
Probably a lot more evidence of Aliens existence now and in the past than of a God or their so called descendants. But that would not deter the believers of their religions or stop them being enraged by such statements.
I know it is kind of a long video but the purpose of posting it was to discuss what was discussed in it... Not to just spout off theories and beliefs...whatever...

I am curious what y'all conclude after watching it. Me, I feel like what they conclude is pretty reasonable.
1. For sure in these incidents there were incredibly fast flying objects ( many of them) that were tracked and recorded with the most advanced military equipment currently available. Not once but dozens of times.
2 These objects were not U.S. military
3. They may be some secret spying device belonging to China or Russia but absolutely far beyond the scope of any known technology on our side.
4. It is possible they are from somewhere else.

That they are chasing them , have them in their sights and they suddenly "disappear" is pretty damn cool sci-fi stuff...except it isn't sci-fi it's real.

I kind of like the slipping through dimensions concept myself...and that is way beyond our earthly mortal pay grade to fathom yet alone pull off.
Or it may be to dupe the opponents of America before your next war sometime soon.

What interests me is the technology of thousands of years ago which can barely be repeated today without high-tec machinery. So obviously we got dumber as the years went by or there were 'others' around back then.
Glitches...or swamp gas.

So beyond the thermal radar glitches, there is nothing.

This morning there was a new news segment , with a military operator saying they have seen them every day since 2019. Fix yer shit.

Yet not one cel phone selfie pic? Gimme a break.
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Best expert explanation of what the U.S. military has deemed unidentifiable aerial phenomenon .

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The Tic Tac is either ours or technology not of this world. It ain't fucking China or Russia. That technology is 100 years more advanced than anything those economies could have produced 20 years ago or whenever they would have needed to start production on the Tic Tac.

Also, it probably isn't our technology.
Its a drone dude . Come on.

We can build something that goes 500mph.. It was not tracked to a new position , it appeared there. That speed data would be incorrect. They said there were a bunch. And that it was jamming radar. A fleet of drones is something humans would do.

Fravor, never got closer than a 1 mile away from it. Saying it was 30 ft big. Another words he saw nothing but a dot. He also describes Russian visual cloaking technology, when he sees a disruption of movement. Rapid movement with no pattern. As if projected, and then gone.

The one looks like a flare landing in the water. Being seen in IR.

The 3 triangles are one vehicle not multiple looked at through a triangular aperture night vision.

We have nothing to fear , if they run away at the drop of a hat.

To say that they are alien or other world tells me you are also believing in a variety of Sci-Fi stories too. Why?How? or what?

Why cant they be disc drone quadcopters with salt water rocket engines, and visual cloaking?
So the search function in this new BBS comes up with nothin...So I'll start it new here...since it is starting to get real...
Not one camera shot? Not one video? These aren't Aliens - and these aren't technology that we don't understand.
These aren't Aliens - and these aren't technology that we don't understand.
So you watched the video and that's what you concluded? Not Alien? Interesting
And yes these are technologies and physical capabilities for beyond our lowly earthling pay grade.
It was that Hendrix character that started all this silly alien nonsense.... Do I see a vacuum there or am I going blind....

There is no credible evidence. If they were real, pictures would be everywhere. These pilots saw something they cannot explain. Fine. Lets not jump the gun and go to crazy town. I dont have enough crazy pills for everyone. Just myself.

They use a UFO story to find intelligence leaks. Looks like they found some.
So I have been coo coo about this UFO thing since I did a speech on them in my Senior year English class. Not an inkling of a clue before I did my research but by the time I was ready to give my speech I was blown away....and this is in 1971 only access to info was the local library...The Project Blue Book expose by Major Donald Keyhoe sealed the deal for me...I ended my speech with "I feel as General McArthur once said, Man kinds greatest moment will be when we make intelligent contact with intelligent life from another world" 50 years later and a shit ton of weird stories, some hallucinogenic drugs and head scratching and I am pretty sure they are not as much from another "planet" as they are from another dimension. And these entities can slide back n forth in the snap of a finger..That's where I'm putting my money on...maybe someday in our lifetimes we'll get to know.....or not. IMO of which I can firmly attest... there's more to this life than meets the eye and we are capable of understanding...
and a shit ton of weird stories, ..
Travis blew the lie detector. The test also concluded he was trying to cheat it.

Lazar blew the lie detector . The test also concluded he was trying to cheat it.

I see a pattern forming.
not as much from another "planet" as they are from another dimension.
Dude Totally..

How we humans cast a 2 dimensional shadow flat on Earth, like we could be the 3rd dimensional shadow to their 4th dimensional being..We humans could be the shadows of the aliens.