are Ibanez amps any good?


New member
I'm on a limited budget, and I'm thinking about getting the Ibanez Toneblaster 50R. I saw it at a store today (new) for $229. It's this one:

Would this be a smart purchase? I'm upgrading from a crappy 15 watt Crate, so I guess anything will sound great to me. I was going to get a 30 watt Marshall or Fender, but then I saw this... and the price seems great for 50 watts!

Has anybody here used one of these Ibanez Toneblasters?
simple avoid them at all costs, they are garbage. save up some more money and look at some carvin bass amps, they are seriously in my opinion the best amp for the money.
bass amps? jesus...i must be smokin too much crack...anyways...for guitar amps go to a local music store that sells used amps and stuff and you can normally find great deals on powerful amps. like music-go-round and daddys junky..
no! i bought the 25 watt model... had it changed 5 times... that mofo kept breakin' till the shop refused to trade itfor a working specimen, will never buy at that shop or an ibane amp again...

good tone though... lasts about 3-4 months ... then the gain dies, then the poweramp dies... the the tone pots die...

Damn what a piece of crap!

I agree with everyone here... Ibanez should not be making bass amps. This coming from a guy that owns an Ibanez Soundgear bass and is quite impressed with it.
I uh.. have a (shrug) :eek: Ibanez Soundwave 25 bass amp...
And it's uh.... pretty GODDAMN DECENT for its money... :D
No really, I bought it for like $150, and it has a compressor and 4 band EQ. I have a pretty good bass guitar (Cort Artisan NA-4, not made anymore, better than current A4 bass) with an active Bartolini EQ, so I can shape my sounds at the source.
And besides, I'm *just* a guitar player... I added the bassguitar, because from band-experience, the bassplayer really GET the most pussy, eventhough all sales-weasels lure you in with the myth that being the guitarplayer gets you 'by'... :D