are hubs really that brand specific?


New member
i just got an atr-60 2 track on ebay, and it doesn't come with hubs or take-up reel. i'm wondering if any 1/4" hubs will work, or if i need to get specific tascam ones. obviously, i'm very new to all of this. additionally, if anyone has hubs, take up reel or manual that would be compatible with this unit and would be willing to sell i'm open to offers. thanks.
Yes, the 1/4' hubs are brand specific.

I recommend you call Tascam Parts at (323) 727-4840.

Every once in a great while, you'll find 1/4" Tascam hub adaptors on Ebay, but I'd assume Tascam has them in stock. You may want to ask Tascam Parts if they have any empty 10.5" 1/4" metal reels. BTW, Tascam Parts sells manuals, too.

The take up reel isn't Tascam specific, and I've seen certain online media dealers that sell empty metal reels.
go through tascam. i believe the extension to the above number is 840. very friendly and quick.
i just ordered 2 hubs for my 38....$13 a piece plus $5 shipping.
also, a manual for my 38 was $26. i've seen much higher prices on ebay for these items. good luck!
actually, i emailed them and they quoted me $22 a piece for hubs...for pieces of freakin plastic!
i just won a 3m 10.5" 1/4" take up reel for $22, so i'm assuming that will work out. tascam also said that a manual would be around $43. sheesh. anybody know of anywhere besides ebay to try to find this stuff used and cheaper?