Apreciation and *gasp!*, another well thought out question.


New member
It is I, the crazy newbie man. Hey, what's going on with all you crazy guys? Hope you're all having just as lovely of an evening. Earlier, I came here in the hopes of having my rediculous question about those pesky added two seconds that my cd software adds--Poopy Adaptec! Anyways, you guys pulled through for me, you really did, and I wanted to say thanks. And though the answer lay in the help file, I hope you all don't regard me as a dumb, lame, and lazy-assed retard. See, I had much better things to do then take the time to look in a help file, truly I did.

So here I am again, wanting more. You board members just love to tease me, titilating all my home-recording informational needs. Oh, all the anticipation! How can I resist to just ask one more question. So what's my question, you ask?

Well, you see, me and my fellow bandmates have recorded a demo--home recorded it--and like, ummm...I was just sort of wondering...Look, the fact is, I took it upon myself to mix it. In our opinions, so far, it sounds good. In comparison to the local demos that bands have made here in local studios, it sounds incredibly good, well to us. Our's doesn't have that dead hollow sound that those other studio demos do. Our's has a life to it, a cool unique sounding electricity.

So what I'm getting at is, how good of a mix should a mix be to become worthy of getting mastered? We'd totaly like to dish out the money to master our little sweet-cakes. But if it's not worth getting mastered, then why would we want to dish out the money? Is there some sort of basic requirement for a recording to be worth getting mastered? As always, please share your answers or any other thoughts and feelings--and remember! I really do care.

Much sorry for lengthy-ness, but my girlfriend said that size really does matter. Too bad my penis is only three inches then, eh?
It's pretty safe to say that good mastering can add shine to any mix, but as the saying goes, "you can't polish a turd."

Be objective with your stuff - if you find it acceptable, by all means get it mastered. Mastering will make it the best it can be - what it won't do is make a demo sound like a commercial release........

Yeah, I don't have any expectations. So we'll get it mastered cheaply and see how it goes. They can't nescessarily make it worse, can they? Also, I think the experience will be great. Seeing how the person goes about mastering, and getting feedback on my mix.
and getting feedback on my mix

You want feedback on your mix?

(no I'm not going to work that bad pun...)

Post something in the MP3 mixing clinic here.

well, I'm very humbled by my beggining ability, and our equipment sucks but I will post a couple things--how's that, haha!