Apparently they are going to make a Spinal Tap sequel

I refuse to watch it, even before it's made !
Modern younger folk just wont get it. I e had to explain the turn it up to 11 gag loads of times to blank faces. Lots of the goings on are now banned and it would be watered down so much anyone who remembers the original would weep
The first one bored me to tears and I never watched it again. The only part I have ever heard anyone comment on is "it goes up to eleven". I didn't find that funny.
How could you not enjoy the massive Stonehenge with the midgets dancing around it. Or the radio coming through the amp (that was a common occurrence back in the day). If you can't relate to at least 50% of the stuff, you never played in or watched rock bands in the 70s or have zero sense of humor.
How could you not enjoy the massive Stonehenge with the midgets dancing around it. Or the radio coming through the amp (that was a common occurrence back in the day). If you can't relate to at least 50% of the stuff, you never played in or watched rock bands in the 70s or have zero sense of humor.
I didn't find it funny at all. To each his own. I started playing in 1960 and if you haven't been playing the game you might not know I have a sense of humor.
I imagine the film will be okay - but they have got a ton of old people in it - if they still have their wits about them - it will probably succeed.
I refuse to watch it, even before it's made !
The same thing happened when they decided to do an iCarly re-boot. I refused to watch it. It started off as a great TV show, then it started to get lamer and lamer with the odd good episode, then they put the dog out of its misery and ended it. Great idea.
Then some years later, they tried to recapture past glories {even tarnished glories} and brought the kids back as adults.
I hate the attempt to recapture past glories. It's slightly different if one gets back together with a person/people that one used to play music with.
Could be available


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