anyone who is familiar with wireless


New member
If we have 4 of the same wireless units running at the same time, are we going to have a problem with interference between them?. Lets say there all the exact same model.
Not if you're careful to keep all of the frequencies different. Look on the body pack and there should be a frequency that that particular wireless operates on. Write it down and when someone in your band or whatever goes to buy their wireless make sure that it doesn't have a frequency near that. It's pretty easy to do.
Righto CMiller.

Also, Snapper seems to imply that they might be different models. If this is true, a UHF model will not interfere with a VHF model. You only need be concerned with like frequency ranges interfering with each other.
well two guys in the band have the same wireless set-up now but we have yet to practice with both going. I am now totally jealous and want the same unit . I will have to get two though to run with a parker guitar which is why I ask about 4 of these things. Thanks for the info, I will take a look at there operating frequency. Mike.