anyone using M-Audio Delta 1010 ?


New member
Hi folks.
Does anyone use a Delta 1010 from M-Audio? ? How does it sound? Did you compare it with other interfaces? I am planning to upgrade to 24/96 and I need to choose between the 1296, the 896, the RME and the Delta 1010. Please give me some feedback! What do you think? Wich one sounds best in your opinion?
I use a Pentium III PC with Logic. Is there any compatibility issue? Thanks!
Well- I've never directly compared any of those to the Delta1010, BUT, since the Delat comes with Logic, I'd say that there are no compatibility issues with the SW.
I use the Delta 1010 and am perfectly happy with the way it sounds. I am also somewhat pleased with m-Audio's driver support, compared to some other companies out there.

I use it on Windows 2000 SP2 and I run n-Track, Fruity Loops, Wavelab and a host of other software. I've also used Vegas Pro, Sound Forge, Nueundo, and Acid Pro. No hitches. I also play games from time to time and it works for that too (for the most part).

I upgraded to the 1010 from the 44, and the improvement in sound was subtle but noticable. I have not compared it to the products that you mentioned. I hear good things about RME though.

Slackmaster 2000
i have a 1010, it sounds a little cleaner than the motu and its right there with the rme... i love the quality of this card...
The 1296 is less versatile regarding digital inputs. With the 896, you get optical inputs, etc. Thats my dilemma,
I am still not decided wich one would be best for me: the 1296 or the 896.
David Roberts from Motu wrote me:
"The difference between the 896 and 1296 is negligable. Al specs are
identical with the exception of dynamic range. In order to detect that
difference, you'd need a signal chain and program material that actually
made use of more than 110 db of dynamic range. That's rare enough and completely non-existant in any music being prepared for radio play. Withthe right test gear, you could measure the difference, but I doubt that under normal use your ear would be able to detec any difference. Both are top of the lines converters. I recommend you make your decision based on connectivity. You won't be disappointed with the audio from either device."
So it is pretty interesting. But, in my opinion, the big difference in dynamic range between the 1296 (much greater dynamic range) and the 896 is a concern for me. But I am still analysing what Mr, roberts wrote me!
Any comments on this will be welcomed!
I use a delta 1010 also, great card. No compatability problems, works under XP, couldnt be happier.
zdpinet said:
Bdgr: did you have a chance to compare it with the Motu 1296 or the 896?

NOpe. I have an EXTREME hatred for MOTU gear. I have a MOTU midi time piece II siting in my rack right now that I cant use because MOTU never released NT drivers for it, much less XP or 2k. The entirity of response that I got when I wrote them about it was, and I qoute "No"

At the time I bought my delta, MOTU didnt have XP drivers for any of thier gear. screw them.

After being stuck with a Gadget Labs card, and no support(because they went under), my primary requirement when researching gear to buy is support. Do they develop drivers for thier stuff, or am I going to be stuck with another piece of gear that I cant use because the manufacturer is too lazy, or too small to provide updated drivers. MOTU, at least for th PC falls squarely in the last catagory. Delta has always had updated drivers, and good support, so they get my money.