Anyone using insert automation in VST32 5.1??


New member
I tried automating my inserts, but it doesn't work....
klick "write" button, play the song, klick the "on" button of the insert, stop the playback, rewind, klick the read button, play it back again.....BUT IT DIDN'T RECORD MY AUTOMATION:mad:
The inserts are included in the list of functions that can be automated (in the manual), but I'm just not getting it to work.
Is there a little catch about this or what??Anyone been able to do this??
BTW I tried the list edit as well, but that didn't do much either...
Any help is appreciated.

This is a well-known problem... the on/off switch for the inserts won't automate. AFIAK, Steinberg knows about it.


Is it the inserts that don't automate at all, or is it that Direct X can't be automated, or both??

Are you trying to automate a Direct X plug? Have you tried the same thing with a VST plug on an insert?


The insert FX on/off doesn't automate... been there, done that, got the T-Shirt, etc... doesn't have anything to do with DirectX... since my setup's on a G4.

There are ways around it tho, Roker1... solo the track(s) that you want to put insert automation on, put the left and right locators at the beginning/end of the part, Export Audio (stereo), and import the exported audio into a new stereo track...

You'll have your FX/automation/etc plus you'll free up some processor.

thanks guys I worked it can actually automate the effects in their own window...which is even better than automating on/off switches....thanks anyway..