Anyone using Axis kick pedals??


New member
does anyone currently use Axis kick drum pedals(single or double) - or tried them out??

B/c I have a Pearl kick pedal that came with my set and it doesnt even have a chain...its got some piece of crap plastic that snaps together like a button. and the thing squeaks really loud and is too slow for my liking. i changed the beater for a better sound but it still sucks.

i've heard good things about Tama Iron Cobra and Axis. My friend has a DW and I didnt particularly like it...he said it his was the best one they make too. So my question is basically...are these Axis pedals worth the money?? Cause they're more than the Iron Cobras. I need something FAST...cause I play MOSTLY heel down. I might go try a few out...I'm just curious as to what you guys think. Thanks
Sorry bud...after spending $200 on my throne I don't have enough cash for a double pedal upgrade. I'm using some crappy CB pedal my bass player gave me. However, the Roc-n-Soc throne is pretty sweet!!

i read that thread...i bet your cb pedal is better than my pearl! i actually have a CB throne man...its got tape all over it to hold it together...sometimes it gives out and i fall down....i want to take them to court. and its squeaks like hell. i hate that damn company.