Anyone use the BR-8?


New member
I was looking at the Boss BR-8 the other day and was wondering if anyone has used them, and what they feel about them?
if you have the money buy a computer and a good sequencing program...I bought one and I dont even use...the br8 is limited on harddrive can buy a gig of zipdisks for about $100.00 or you can buy a 10 gig hard drive for $129.00 (you choose)
Yeah, that's what I figured. I've been using my computer for recording, but I like the option of having multiple inputs to record from at the same time. If only I could figure out how to get my computer to do that, then I'd be set... :)
Get one of the Echo Cards...eight inputs eight outputs I would get the echo cards in stead of being limited by the br8...I just upgraded my computer to a intel 733 with 128 megs of ram and I can do 24 stero tracks with no sugesstion is to get a kickass computer and a kick ass sound card and call it a day