Anyone Use the Alesis M1 Active MK2's?

Mr Nice

New member
I have these monitors and they are pretty clear sounding. They are bi-amped and put out 100Watts of power. They are not that loud but they do give a flat crisp representation of sound. I heard a pair of Mackie 8's and they sounded flatter and more accurate, but they were a bit pricey for me.

I am with my Alesis anyway, does anyone else use them? If so what do you think about them.

I like the actives better, the amp is built in and it is designed for the speakers. Not only that you dont have to eat up rack space with a separate amp.
I have what I believe to be the original monitor one's with an Alesis RA100. I am considering my next upgrade to be in this area of recording. If so, I'm moving to ADAM nearfield monitors. I was told by someone well respected at this forum that the monitor system is the most important consideration because an accurate representation of what's actually being recorded and mixed down is essential to the best sound possible. That said, this same person is not a fan of Alesis Monitors.

I've heard these same M1's A/B'd with Mackie 824's and the difference is widespread. The Mackie's sounded "better" but I was of course not concerned with how the "better" sound translated in other systems such as a car stereo, home stereo, laptop/desktop speakers, etc. An upgrade from M1's to 824's will be "better" sounding but, as for accurate translation... there's differing opinions on that as well.

Though actives were designed to solidify the marriage of studio quality amp with studio quality speaker, the RA is considered to be a studio amp. RA means "reference amp" which IMO means it's not intended for live sound reinforcement thought it could be used for it.

My advice to you is hone your skills on what you have till you can afford the leap into proper monitoring systems such as ADAM, BlueSky, Etc.

Best Wishes,
I have the MKII actives and I'm pretty happy with them: they may not be so 'clear' as others but they produce a great low end for a nearfield.