anyone own a gibson hummingbird?

engine joe

New member
i played one at gc a couple of days ago for the first time. it smoked everything in the room including the j45's, all the martins, etc. the only problem is that it's $2500. maybe the epi version shares some of it's goodness? i think i'll have to save my pennies.
I don't own one, but my best friend's dad has an original from the early 60s I believe. That thing is amazing, and yes it blows all other acoustics I've played out of the water by a long shot... in sound quality... honestly though, I hate the neck on it and don't really enjoy playing it as much as I should, but the sound is unmatched with others I've played.
Mine is from '64 and it is freekin' awesome.

It plays as easy as an electric.

Check out the used market. They are going for ~$1200 - $1500 in great shape.
Mine is from '64 and it is freekin' awesome.

It plays as easy as an electric.

Check out the used market. They are going for ~$1200 - $1500 in great shape.

will do. i have to have one. i loved how it played and sounded. it responded very well from fingerpicking to heavy strumming. awesome guitar.