anyone on here record onto dat?


New member
i'm a musician who is looking into buying a dat to do field and home recording and am looking specifically at the d100 and m1. i've heard that the only difference between the two is scms.

anyone here in similar shoes with words of warning about scms? if necessary, is it defeatable?

i can forsee having to edit some of the work i record, so i don't want to get the wrong one.

also, will the sbm-1 (i think that's what it's called) improve the recordings on my minidisc/dat recorder enough to warrant spending the extra $'s on one? i've read about mods for these too but considering i'll be recording strictly voice and acoustic guitar, would they be useful?

lastly, has anyone bought a refurbished d100 for $499 on the internet? there's a place that sells these and i am curious if it's a good idea at that price. i know there's a one year warranty included from sony on the package.

nice clouds to you and thanks for any help you send my way...
Stay away from any consumer-oriented models and you won't have a problem with SCMS.

The pro gear will allow you to ignore/defeat/propogate SCMS, while consumer models do not.
i've heard plenty of field recordings made with a modified sbm1->m1 that have sounded fine. granted these were also usually made with either a set of mk4v's or km184's as mics, too, which always helps.

and yes, stay away from the consumer-level gear and you don't have to worry about scms.

thanks you two.

and wade,
i have a pair of josephson c42's that are amazing and i'm sure they could get the job done.
