Anyone know what is up with the AW16G site?

Scooter B

New member
Jeffrey Dinsdale or anyone one else out there know what is up with the AW16G user forum?

First my workplace internet filter adds "forums" to to the evil and banned things accessable via internet and for the last two days I can't get the site to come up at home either.

I hope they are just down for maintainance... :confused:
Hey, Scott. I'm really not sure what happened to the original site--it went down and Dinsdale, the creator and chief moderator, seems to have disappeared. Fortunately, and generously, another member somehow transfered the site to a temporary location, where it seemed to be alive and well when I visited last week:

That's the best I can offer, Scott. Good luck to you.


P.S. I have to admit that I don't use the 16G site much any more. It's funny how such a site is so very helpful during the first months after purchasing a machine like the 16G, but then as the personal experience grows, the need to ask questions diminishes. I tend to ask more here at this forum these days although I do like and miss many of those great folks at the 16G forum, which definitely saved my butt sometimes when I was getting started. For the sake of 16G newbies, I'd hate to see the site disappear.