Anyone here have experience with Peavey KB100 amp?


New member
The Peavey KB 100 amp is supposedly meant for keyboard amplification but apparently it's good with acoustic guitars too. It has a 15" speaker and a horn tweeter.

I can get it cheap (haven't tried it out yet) and wonder what the general opinion is on this amp...

I'll go and check it out in a week or so.. (it's not next door.. even in Dutch Measurements.

Also, the same guy has a Roland Cube60 for sale... (Not the blues cube though, I think)

A label on that one too, defines the amp as a Keyboard amp.

Your thoughts???

Thanx in advance!
Some friends of mine tried to use the KB 100 as an amp for an electric guitarist who uses a processor for tones. It didn't work too well, the KB's EQ was either too muddy or too shrill with no middle ground.

I haven't tried it on acoustic so it may be great at that, all I can say is take your guitar along and give the amp a good listen before you buy it.

P.S Its a pretty big amp so if you have to transport it be prepared.