anyone have experience making/recording with bass drum tunnel?


New member
i want to try recording with a tunnel for the kick drum. I read on one thread someone mentioned they made it out of cardboard, close miced the beater, then miced from inside the tunnel and mixed the two tracks together for a nice fat sound. i was considering trying this.

anyone with experience know a better way? Thanks.
get 2 kicks, take the front head of the main one and both heads of the 2nd. Experiment with changing the gap between them. One thing is important, they have to be alligned to get a decent result.
Cardboard isn't likely to do anything, you really need a ridget resonant material.
yeah i had heard of using two kick drums once before to make a tunnel. it sounds like a cool idea. i'm definitely gonna give it a try. cardboard seemed a little weird to me also... thanks man.

On the song I have posted in the clinic, we made a bass drum tube out of couch cushions and throw pillows. Worked very nicely, and helped keep it out of the overheads a LITTLE, though not much.