Anyone have anything to say about Tracktion?


New member
Tracktion comes with the Echo Layla. It is suposed to be really easy to use, but is it limiting? Does it work well with reason?
Don't know about using it with Reason, never tried. Tracktion is my main recording/editing program. I love its simplicity. In a few days, T2 is supposed to come out, and its supposed to have a lot of new features and plug-ins. Check out for more info.
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Yeah, I tried the Tracktion demo and didn't like it compared to what I'd already been using (Wavelab, Cubase, N-Track).

But a lot of people like it.

I like it a lot. I got the free version they were giving out a couple months ago, and it's working well for me, since I use VST plug-ins and ReWire. I'll probably upgrade to T2, after it's been out for awhile.