anyone familiar with the Line 6 ax2 212?


Villiage Idiot Keeper
Just curious. Gotta new drummer and the old Fender Hot Rod Deluxe just can't cut thru. Going to try this Line 6 tonight. Anyone got any info about it, let me know? TANX

yes I've got one & if it still don't cut thru for ya take a stereo jack-2xmono jacks into a poweramp +extra cabs

the fender models & vox models did well for me & some brit hi-gain for insane leads

it's always handy to have the manual at hand untill you get to grips with it

do you have the floorboard for it??
Track Rat said:
That's what I gig with. I never have problems getting above the band with it. The Floor Board is REAL handy.

only once did I put a power amp on & boost it up, I had to play a huge venue old style IE with just a vocal PA with a heavy punky sort of band (OK OK it was a job for a couple of nights)
I don't have the pedalboard. I actually tried using the amp last night, but I had a problem - I run stereo from a Boss GT8 Effects Processor into two amps. I couldn't find a way to bypass anything on the Line 6 so that my sounds were coming from the GT8 only. I ended up going back to my old setup ( a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and a Vintage Fender Bassman head/cab) and was able to tweak things until I could get over the drums but also so that I wasn't killing my amps.
I am going to search the manual again on the Line 6 but my first run thru it did not give me an answer about how to bypass the effects and just go in clean. I even tried to plug into it straight with my guitar, to set up the cleanest channel I could, but it still didn't work. I will have to spend some more time with the amp and the book for it before I know if it will work out for me. I looked around for a floorboard for it but couldn't find one yet. Are they expensive?
A friend of mine uses that amp for gigs. He gets a killer sound out of it.

I had always been an old school 1/2 stack kind of guy when playing live, but he really opened my eyes towards modeling technology with his live sound when I heard him play through that a few years ago.
I finally talked my rhytm guitarist into ditching his old AX2 and buying a "real" amp. Sorry, I'm not a fan of Line 6 tone. Most likely if you cant cut through with the HRD an AX2 won't do any better. My advice would be to run an extension cab off of the HRD to move more air or mic the amp.
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not for live

I've had a few Line 6 amps in the past and I've never liked them live. Running straight out when you're recording, they sound great, but live, they just won't cut it. Like Micter said, real amps are better. Stick with tube.
zacanger said:
I've had a few Line 6 amps in the past and I've never liked them live. Running straight out when you're recording, they sound great, but live, they just won't cut it. Like Micter said, real amps are better. Stick with tube.
Just the oposite in my experience. If you can't get above the band with 100 watts, the band is too loud or you need to mic the amp and get it into the PA. I'll take the dependability and flexibility of the AX2 any day for gigging. I HATE recording the AX2 however. I rely on my Rivera for that.

Track Rat said:
Just the oposite in my experience. If you can't get above the band with 100 watts, the band is too loud or you need to mic the amp and get it into the PA. I'll take the dependability and flexibility of the AX2 any day for gigging. I HATE recording the AX2 however. I rely on my Rivera for that.

Well, obviously you should mic the amp and get it into the PA. NEVER rely on the backline alone. Give your soundman some control.
Okay - THe line 6 has great sound. Its also loud. UNfortunately, I have not yet figured out how to play out of my Boss GT8 into it cleanly. I need to know if there is a bypass of the digital effects so that the two don't clash I would like to tap into it's power, not it's effects. Any idea?
gibson59neck said:
Okay - THe line 6 has great sound. Its also loud. UNfortunately, I have not yet figured out how to play out of my Boss GT8 into it cleanly. I need to know if there is a bypass of the digital effects so that the two don't clash I would like to tap into it's power, not it's effects. Any idea?

damnit of course....

the AX2 2112 has a AUX input doesn't it with nothing more than reverb which can be disabled & bass & treble controls

that's how you do it & if you had an A/B selector box you could run the GT8 into the aux channel & run the guitar straight to the AX2's guitar in & if you your GT8 in stereo then link it to the heavier wattaged amps you may have hanging around in a corner
Why not just set up a custom setting with an amp model of your choice and shut off all of the effects. then save that as a preset. I've done that with mine and it worked out good. The line 6 site also has a forum with some pretty helpful ideas too. The bottom line is it can be done and its a pretty handy amp for live and recording. Good luck
See - I thought of that, and I had even read it in the manual. Unfortunately, the Aux input must not be working, because when I plugged into it, nothing came out of the amp...Thanks, tho. I'm going back through that section in the manual, and making sure that I didn't do anything wrong, and I'm pretty sure that it's just busted. DAMN! I was so close to having a huge sound...Oh well. Off to the evil guitar store fix it guy that takes 19 weeks to get to the damn place never mind fix anything.
Mr 59 Neck.

I initially ran my GT8 into two separate solid state amps (a couple of 130 watt Peaveys, to be exact ...their version of a Twin Reverb) and it was ok. I then ditched those in favor for a pair of full range PA type speakers and a power amp and...whoa!! what a difference. I just get weak in the knees hearing the stereo guitar sound live...even though I know most in the audience don't really catch it. But, it sure puts you "in the zone" when you're playing. At this point, I'll probably only use amps for convience...jams, etc. from now on. I also send a stereo send for the FOH.... but agree with TrackRat... In smaller settings, I prefer to rely on my stage volume, than a sound dude. I know, I know... it sounds egocentric, but my sound guys haven't complained yet. Being over 50 years old, I don't need to get my fancies by drowning out the rest of the band anymore! :D