Anyone else having problems with AMS?


New member
I placed an order a week or so ago with American Musical Supply, which included another AKG C3000b..the idiots somehow changed it to a C2000b, and backordered it..I informed them of this, and they fixed it, to an AKG C3000..I then emailed them informing them the C3000 was replaced with the C3000b, which is what i ordered..they then informed me the C3000 was discontinued and no longer for sale and cancelled the order..hmm..didn't I just tell them that? SO then I emailed again, and they got it right apparently, an AKG C3000b..but it was still listed as backordered..when it was really in stock..So FINALLY I thought I got someone with a clue, and they said they corrected everything and were sorry...So today the fed ex guy pulls up and drops off a box..great..I open it up..AKG C2000b....$300...oh goody. I got a $200 mic for $300. So yea, AMS is kinda moronic lately..I'd stay clear of them for a bit, because they're getting their crack from a bad supplier or somethin..


What's wrong with the C3000b? It sounds really decent to me, for $300..I already have one, so I was just getting a 2nd to match it <hopefully match>. I have 2 TLM103's, and 2 NT1000's, and plan on getting 2 of those u87 knockoff Studio Logic C1's at some point..just so I have an assortment..?

Re: ?

Guardian said:
What's wrong with the C3000b? It sounds really decent to me, for $300..I already have one, so I was just getting a 2nd to match it <hopefully match>. I have 2 TLM103's, and 2 NT1000's, and plan on getting 2 of those u87 knockoff Studio Logic C1's at some point..just so I have an assortment..?


Well, if you already have one I guess I know what you're getting. Honestly though, if I had either a TLM103 or an NT1000 let alone pairs of both, I don't think I'd have any use for the AKG. The Cx000 and their 'b' variations have a terrible reputation on I don't tend to base my opinion purely on hearsay, but when something is as unanimously disliked among such a disparate group, I think its a good indication to avoid it.
When dealing with these BIG mail order companies, I really just look at it as a numbers game. It's you and your computer doing the best that you can to find a deal on something good in their computer. With all of the variables (shipping, tax, price, free goodies, etc.), you can sometimes end up with a good deal.

The up side is that you are in control of your order, so you can be pretty sure that you ordered the right thing. The gamble is that something unexpected can occur (back order, discontinued item, etc.), and that's when you run into trouble.

In my experience, the customer service at these places (AMS, Musician's Friend) is almost always a joke. The most we can do is hope that the item really is 'in stock'.

I've had much better luck at smaller companies (8th Street, MacMidiMusic), where the prices are usually just as competitive, and they seem to know what's going on.
trew said:
In my experience, the customer service at these places (AMS, Musician's Friend) is almost always a joke....

I have never purchased via AMS, but had a problem or two over the years with Musician's Friend. However, I have always received very good customer support, service. Just props where do.

I ordered an ADAT from them. Worked fine, but was not new. Looked new, but the test indicated 12+ drum on hours. They sent me a new one and let me use the one that they originally sent me until the new one arrived (no charge to my visa as insurance, etc). And I just put the used one back in their box which had a UPS return label in it. A+ service there.


I dunno..I've heard lots of good things about the AKG C3000b in Emusician and Mix and some other reviews, I think EQ..not that reviews mean shit, I read the "Davisound Preamp" thing..but I have one, and I've used it on vocals, and it has a very up front rich kinda sound to it's not a Neumann, hell..OMG, I practically made a mess when I did a recording today on my new TLM103..but the C3000b is good multipurpose mic from what I've read, and when I get the 2nd one, I'm gonna try them as drum overheads..then again with that C1 reputadly being a u87 clone, for the same price..but who wants a bunch of U87 clones..I want an arsenal that I can pick from, to pick the best mic for the job, that I have available..not just use a U87 or clone of it on everything...but maybe when I ever get a U87 I'll change my mind on that :P

Ive always had pretty good luck with AMS, I bought my MD8 there as a non-boxed item, it was a demo and its working fine. I also bought a Ibanez electric and Dean Bass guitar from them, again no problems. I used to use MF until they put a store in my state, but the only problem I had with them was I orderd this cheap EV mic (MC100), and they forgot my order on a shipping table, they Fed X'd it to me on a Saturday, next day air delivery without asking me. It cost them 47 percent of the retail price of the mic to get it in my hands. They probably didn't didn't make too much money. But This last week I ordered a pair of YSM-1i monitors from and they said they were in stock, Id get them in 4 days. I emailed them a confirmation request because I didn't get a tracking number. They had to back order them and didn't try to contact me to tell me this. So now instead of 4 days its now 2 weeks until I get them....So the moral to the story....sooner or later poor service will happen, its only a matter of time. But it still beats going to GC and dealing with egotistical know it all with no knowledge of the products or ability to recognize when someone needs help.

trew said:
I've had much better luck at smaller companies (8th Street, MacMidiMusic), where the prices are usually just as competitive, and they seem to know what's going on.

I bought my ECM8000s from 8th Street, and they were backordered (they didn't bother to tell me), and then when they finally came in they forgot to send them to me. I had to call to prod them. However, I do have them now. So it's all good.
I've had much better luck at smaller companies (8th Street, MacMidiMusic), where the prices are usually just as competitive, and they seem to know what's going on.

I hate to drudge up such and old and negative thread, but I guess I need to vent.

Now I'm having problems with 8th street. No responses to emails after overcharging me on an order and even more non-response to my inquiries about faulty equipment.

Again, I guess it's just a numbers game. Sometimes you get immediate service and perfect shipments and sometimes you get totally ignored and effed up shipments.

I have had great service from both Musician's Friend and AMS.

I have an AKG C4000B. Although it is not my first choice when it comes to vocals, this mic has come in handy many times. It is my first choice when it comes to needing an omni mic. The C4000B is a very hot mic, and not as warm as my Beyerdynamic ME90 or Rode Clasic.
Re: ?

Guardian said:
plan on getting 2 of those u87 knockoff Studio Logic C1's at some point..just so I have an assortment..?


Please, they are not 87 clones or knock off's. I would be pleased if you bought them, but buy them for what they are and do...not what one thinks they are. :D

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group