Anyone bought a copy of Adobe Audition off of Ebay?


New member
Anyone have experience with any of the retailers that sell "new" copies of the full version of AA1.5 on Ebay? Just like anyone else, I'd like to save a buck, but at the same time a copy selling at 50% of retail seems shady to me. However, a lot of these places look like legitimate companies, all with tons of great feedback.

Anyone gone this route? Or does anyone have a known retailer where they've purchased AA1.5 Full for less than $299?
I might be wrong, but I think it's a dubious practice. What happens when you want to register your copy if its bootleg stock? I'm suspicious.
I do know someone who bought a cheap multitrack program off an e-bay "legit" company and it turned out to be Audacity; which is freeware!
If it's a company selling Audition for a significantly lower price than Adobe, then it's pirated.

But I'd like to know what's involved in an individual selling the software to another individual. Adobe wouldn't like it, so would they block the registration?
I have not seen AA for sale on Ebay. Only versions of Cooledit. Currently there is one person selling with a "buy it now" of $120 for Cooledit 2.1 and using the words 'Adobe Audition' in his ad, stating that you can upgrade to that. That's basically all I have seen, not to mention the people that have the balls to sell pirated stuff via Ebay.
If it's a company selling Audition for a significantly lower price than Adobe, then it's pirated.

Makes sense. I was wondering if there was a "MAP" like a lot of guitar dealers. If you look around, they all seem like they are selling at the same price. But if you inquire, often there will be a significant discount over the MAP.

Guess I'll just go for the $299 directly from Adobe.
There's a site (and I won't give you the name) which claims to sell a variety of Adobe products at ridiculous prices. Buried on the site is some small print which says that what they are selling is backup copies of software you promise you already own.

You might get 10 to 20% off from a reputable dealer safely. Otherwise, maybe all they want are your credit card details....
I bought AA on Ebay

I bought a unwrapped version of Adobe Audion 1.0 from a deal on eBay for $99.00. From there I downloaded the upgrade from Adobe. Saved a bunch of money. :D I guess the guy wanted to dump his copies of 1.0.

I'd just make sure it's a unopened copy when buying from eBay.