Anybody using Sonar 5 with no problems?

Quite honestly, I gave up on it. I tried for weeks! I had issues with setting the bitrate to anything other than 16-bit (garbley noise, mostly). I had issues with my softsynths dropping out even from a slow bounce. I had issues with older projects using twice the CPU power as before. etc. etc. I gave up, uninstalled it, and reinstalled Sonar 4. Already sold 5 on Ebay.
The only problems I have had are a few dropouts and a couple of crashes for unexplained reasons. I haven't had much trouble running overall. In fact I've been using it for the last couple of weeks now with basically no troubles. It doesn't seem to run as smoothly as 4 was for me (audio stutters when inserting effects, etc.) but those are not big problems to me. So far I like it! I look forward to the first patch coming out for any glitches but I will continue to use it without worry in the meantime.
...also, I might add that my CPU usage is no higher and maybe even lower on some projects. I record at 24 bit with no problems. Extensively use synths, I use MIDI drums from DFHS...all these things and no problems with them. I guess I'm just saying it's not everybody! Sorry to the folks who do have the problems tho. :o
The only problem I have experienced is when bringing in old files or projects into 5. This has caused a couple of lock ups but apart from that issue which appears to be the most common. Worth noting people mostly post when they have a problem and not when they are happy.

Should be an update patch available in the next few weeks so I reckon they will have these problems sorted. Me I really think it is superb.

I'm still holding back, I'm waiting for more reviews on it. Can anybody tell me, in a nutshell, what are, in your opinion, the most significant improvements from 4?! Thanx
For me Carlos:-

Integrated inline audio and MIDI editing, arranging, and mixing all in one view.

Perfect Space™ Convolution Reverb

Clip-based effects and editing including per-clip effects bin.

These three I suppose are the most significant for me at the moment but to be honest I haven’t got into everything yet. For example I haven’t even opened the Roland V Vocal which many appear to be raving about.

Esthetically the track icons and the blue meters look great. Maybe worth waiting for the first update patch to be released but in my book its well worth taking the jump.

So far, my only problem with it is when using DFHS.....If I start a project, then close it, and re-open it later, the window with the info from DFHS is all messed up. I can only see a few of the drums, and I can't get to the bounce portion, as the button is gone at the bottom.
Dogman, go into the VST wrapper configuration and set up a custom window size for the "Drummer" plugin for DFHS. I can't remember the exact steps but you'll find it. I think I put in like 900 x 900 and it fixed that problem. Sometimes the buttons are still in odd places but they are still there.
metalhead28 said:
Dogman, go into the VST wrapper configuration and set up a custom window size for the "Drummer" plugin for DFHS. I can't remember the exact steps but you'll find it. I think I put in like 900 x 900 and it fixed that problem. Sometimes the buttons are still in odd places but they are still there.
Well, that fixed it.....Thanks again, dude.....I'd give you rep, but just did in another forum.... :D
I am running Sonar 5 without incident! Of course, I'm about to start a HUGE project and that will be the true test. So far, during my initial test tracking and such, it seems to work perfectly!
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Running fine here. I use DKFH Superior, Art Vista piano and all my UAD1 regulars. No hiccups. Smooth as butter in fact. My setup is as follows:

P4 2.24
1.5 GB RAM
Quad Drives

The usual dropouts occur at around 90%+ usage but as long as I don't overload the environment its better than 4.03 and sounds better.
Justus Johnston said:
Quite honestly, I gave up on it. I tried for weeks! I had issues with setting the bitrate to anything other than 16-bit (garbley noise, mostly). I had issues with my softsynths dropping out even from a slow bounce. I had issues with older projects using twice the CPU power as before. etc. etc. I gave up, uninstalled it, and reinstalled Sonar 4. Already sold 5 on Ebay.

Just curious, will the new DXi apps like the Sonar 5 Rex player, run on
Sonar 4?
A bit O.T.

I have heard of these problems that folks have had since Cakewalk Pro Audio.
If Every thing is setup right and you have a patience you wont have a problem or just very very issues. :D

And I wont even bother with upgrading to 5 as I cant find any reason to upgrade from 3.1.1 (It has All I need). I skipped 4 because it came out right aftre I bought 3. :confused:

But to bring me back to my earlier point: When I bought Sonar 3 I couldnt get it to runn or least not very well. I tweeked my OS and found some things online to help( Now I barely have a problem. So most if not any problem can be resolved with a program.

Later! If you cant decide on 5 or not Sonar Home STudio 4 is a cool option and costs less.

I Have Used Sonar 3, 4 And 5 P.e

And I Think 4 Is The Best When It Comes To Stability....

5 Is Cool.. Its Just Has A Lot Of New Synths And Lil Extra Stuff But You Can Live With Out 5.....

4 Was The Best Upgrade To Me...