Anybody try out the M-Audio SP8's ?


New member
I've seen that the M-Audio SP5's have gotten some positive comments around here. Anybody have a chance to take a listen to the SP8's? I've been checking dealers by me but noone has 'em yet.

Any feedback would be appreciated.
M-Audio SP-8B Studio Monitors

Anybody have a chance to have a listen to these? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
One more time......

Sorry to resurrect this old post. I want to try this one more time, as I have been unable to locate a pair of these to listen to locally, and I'm about to jump in. I'd be interested in hearing opinions from anybody who actually a/b'd these or use these now.
I would listen before you buy. Go somewhere you can listen to monitors even if they don't have the model you are looking for and try to hear the differences between models. Buying monitors is a matter of taste. You should be able to get a good mix out of any decent pair of monitors once you learn them.

If you decide to go for the sp8s make sure you order them from a place that will allow you to return them if you decide you don't like them.
Re: One more time......

typi said:
Sorry to resurrect this old post. I want to try this one more time, as I have been unable to locate a pair of these to listen to locally, and I'm about to jump in. I'd be interested in hearing opinions from anybody who actually a/b'd these or use these now.

I own a pair, and I like them a lot. I got to A/B them against SP5's, Event 20/20's, Event PS6 and 8, Roland and Alesis digital monitors, and Tannoy Reveal Actives. To my ears, they were better than all of the above because nothing sounded hyped except what SHOULD have sounded hyped (I took reference recordings). They also have a sense of space and "air" in them that really lets you hear the seperation quite well, and have far more than enough power - I only turn them up half way on the back, and I still have way more headroom than I need. No complaints at all. I'm surprised I don't hear more about these speakers.
M-Audio SP-8B monitors

Thanks for the advice Virtual, and and the review, Chris.

Thought that nobody ever heard of these things for awhile there. Thought this post was long gone. Chris---that's quite an endorsement. Based on your assessment, I can hardly wait to check these babies out locally-----the store is supposed to call me as soon as they get 'em in.

Thanks again!
M-Audio SP-8B monitors

Thanks for the advice Virtual, and for the review, Chris.

Thought that nobody ever heard of these things for awhile there. Thought this post was long gone. Chris---that's quite an endorsement. Based on your assessment, I can hardly wait to check these babies out locally-----the store is supposed to call me as soon as they get 'em in.

Thanks again!
I just got mine today. The one sounds great. I mean absolutely amazing. The other has a busted tweether :(:(:mad: Oh well. I knew 300 bucks was too good to be true. Now I must wait 4 years while my claim with musician's friend is being handled...
I didn't A/B them with anything else, in fact I wasn't able to listen to them at all; but I did listen to the SP5's and liked them, the KRK V4's, Yamaha MP5's(?? correct model ??), and the JBL SLR25P's.

Then Musician's Friend went & put the SP8's on sale for $300, so I took the plunge and bought a set.
I am very satisfied for the amount of money spent.
I did the same thing. I can't believe that they are selling them that cheap. Mine have yet to arrive, but I am eagerly waiting their arrival. This will be my first set of monitors.
I ordered mine, too, from MF and they should be here this week. I've never heard them but I ordered from MF b/c of their return policy. There was a different thread re: SP-8B and a lot seemed to like them. At $300, I figured it was worth the try. I currently use Alesis Monitor One with Alesis RA100 and I don't like them that much (they were kind of a gift).

hokypoky, is MF difficult with returning? I've never tried to do it before.
I own a pair of SP-8Bs and am familiar with monitors in the price range of $2500 and lower.

I find that the SP-8B exceeds the quality of the SP-5B in almost every way, which may alleviate the concerns of some people who regard the latter as a rather two-dimensional, exaggerated monitor. Overall, I find it to be an acceptable monitor for serious semi-professional recording and mixing purposes.

I will begin with the best features. The stereo separation, like in its counterpart, is absolutely superb. The stereo field it creates is quite clear and precise, and thus placing parts of the mix in the field may be done with ease, albeit the "sweet spot" for the field should be much larger. Still, though, this aspect of the monitor is still excellent, comparable to the separation offered by the Event 20/20s. The detail in the upper frequency ranges is almost is good, meaning that few subtle, treble parts will be disappear on these monitors. The actual response of the upper ranges, which is one of the most commended aspects of the SP-5Bs, is also clear and non-fatiguing on these monitors, mostly due to the presence of a soft-dome tweeter. Though slightly more defined, the high frequencies are still not quite as sweet sounding (or inaccurate, for that matter) as on the SP-5B monitors, which will come as a displeasure for those accustomed to the SP-5B.

However, the mid and lower frequencies, both in response and detail, do not fare nearly as well. The middle frequencies are overly prominent, meaning that vocals sometimes sound harsh, though the dominance of the midrange does not create an extremely boxy effect as on most monitors with the same exaggerated response. The detail in this range, furthermore, is only fair, and, thus, it seems to take a great amount of time to tweak sound settings in the midrange effectively. The bass frequencies, however, are portrayed even worse, and, in fact, are the weakest point of this monitor. Though the manual suggests that frequencies as low as 33 Hz are present, I only find the useable, reasonably flat response extending to about 50-60 Hz. Beyond that, the bass degrades to undefined thumps that are quite like those on cheap consumer subwoofers. Yes, the SP-8Bs has a far superior bass end than to SP-5Bs, but it is still lackluster in comparison to most monitors of this size.

Overall, these monitors are worth testing. They certainly have compromises in them in order to trim the price tag, but they perform reasonably well given the price difference between these and most full-sized nearfield monitors (most cost more than $1,000, as compared to about $500 for the SP-8B). If anything, they should serve as a reasonably good set of monitors that can be used to A/B the treble and stereo field details in a mix originally articulated on a better set of monitors, presumably a set to which you will upgrade after you have outgrown these.
riffing said:
I ordered mine, too, from MF and they should be here this week. I've never heard them but I ordered from MF b/c of their return policy. There was a different thread re: SP-8B and a lot seemed to like them. At $300, I figured it was worth the try. I currently use Alesis Monitor One with Alesis RA100 and I don't like them that much (they were kind of a gift).

hokypoky, is MF difficult with returning? I've never tried to do it before.

DIFFICULT! Have to call them. They send RMA(which it's been a week and it's still not here!). Then I send back. Then when they get around to it, they send second pair. Should see them by Christmas :rolleyes:. Actually, I'm thinking next week sometime.