Anybody seen a SP C4 for sale yet?


New member
Well, it's March, and I've been looking forward to seeing/hearing about these mics for a while. Are they yet released? Any word on timing? Alan, Brent, help!


I recall Brent Casey saying recently that they were doing some last minute revision work to the capsules and once they were satisfied , the mics would only be a matter of weeks I doubt that they are available just yet.

Found Brent Casey's quote:

"The C4 will be released as soon as we are satisfied that some changes we made to the capsules are being properly addressed by the factory. Depending on when we are finished testing the updated versions it will be a matter of weeks to ship the first run. "


I think most people will be satisfied so long as they offer a "quality" in their sound that currently is only available from more expensive mics. If they do that and have the interchangeable capsules, then they have to be worthwhile.

If not, well I'll go back to considering Oktavas and/or importing some 603s.

DJL said:

I have those mic's and many others, so I hope the Studio Projects C4 has a great new unique signature type sound rather than just sounding like another already existing microphone. :)

Rats! I spend all that time trying to get them to sound like a U87...
The C4's are now being produced and it will probably be at least six weeks before anybody in the U.S. or Europe sees or hears them.
Iraq may be a different story...
Speaking of that, did anybody see that big bomb that got dropped on Florida yesterday? Geez louise. We're bombing Florida, for God's sake! With a 21,000 lb. Earthworks mic from the look of the thing. That ought to really send a message to Saddam Hussein. I mean, Florida just got a little mixed up during the elections, after all. It wasn't like they were gassing Kurds or anything...So, that would suck to be a migratory bird beneath that thing- Bunch of loons from Minnesota down there kicking back in the marsh, "Yeah baby, I'm never going back to St Pau-KAWHOOOOM!
Anyway, C4 mics are in production. Arriving soon at a store near you!

Brent Casey
Studio Projects Microphones
Brent Casey said:
Speaking of that, did anybody see that big bomb that got dropped on Florida yesterday? Geez louise. We're bombing Florida, for God's sake! With a 21,000 lb. Earthworks mic from the look of the thing. That ought to really send a message to Saddam Hussein. I mean, Florida just got a little mixed up during the elections, after all. It wasn't like they were gassing Kurds or anything...So, that would suck to be a migratory bird beneath that thing- Bunch of loons from Minnesota down there kicking back in the marsh, "Yeah baby, I'm never going back to St Pau-KAWHOOOOM!
Anyway, C4 mics are in production. Arriving soon at a store near you!

Brent Casey
Studio Projects Microphones

Check this out BRENT...SEE BELOW*
U.S. National - AP
Draft Audit: Fla. Owes U.S. $500 Million
Wed Mar 12, 3:06 AM ET

Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!

By LARRY MARGASAK, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - A draft audit concludes that Florida's pension fund owes the U.S. government more than $500 million, according to federal officials familiar with the review that was delayed by Health and Human Services (news - web sites) inspector general Janet Rehnquist.
Full Story and I know why they bombed Fla: