Anybody own a CAD GXL2200?


New member
After purchsing a few $200-$400 mics, I've bought a few "under $100" condenser mics, and have been pleasantly surprised with most of them. I was looking at the CAD GXL2200 and was wondering if any of your have bought it, and if so, was it even worth the $70. Thanks
I have one and it kinda reminds of mxl 2001, but in my opinion it seems more controlled. It has a nice bottom end that is nice for some vocals like female R&B. I recently discovered that it has a hidden high pass filter that you'll find once you unscrew the bottom of the mic. The best use for this mic that I have found is on any style toms. It really seems to capture the essence of it. I got mine for around 70$ with a shock mount, a cad pop filter, and a mic stand so it was kinda a no lose situation.