Anybody have trouble with glitching uploads?


It is a life preserver
A couple of my song uploads got garbled up in a couple places. Is there anything I can do on my end for this?

example at 18 seconds and others
I don't hear any of it here. I did hear some garble in one of your other threads earlier today - can't recall which. It was messed up at the start, but when I rewound it several times it cleared up. Very odd. I also heard some garble in one of my "clean" uploads several hours ago - also gone now.

.. and another thing..

Not sure if this may be related, but when I play Soundcloud files from links in these threads, many times they'll stop playing. Never at the same spot. After the 2nd or 3rd restart they usually play through fine. Don't have this problem with the mp3 attachments.

This seems to be a recent phenomenon over the past week or so.
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I didn't hear any glitches in the audio. Maybe there's an issue with your ISP internet feed. I've had things like that happen before, a bit of latency or lag shows up in streaming. Maybe it's the hundred million folks who got hammered with this past week's snow/ice store. Everyone is stuck at home and streaming movies, sucking up all the bandwidth watching old sitcoms!
I think it is the reverb VST making reflections to sound like glitching. Its only noticeable on some playback devices. Not in headphones. After rendering without the reverb VST enabled it was gone.

The soundcloud link still has it at 18sec at the word 'bedroom'.