Any tips on a Tascam M-1508 mixer I found


New member
I found an 8 X 4 channel M-1508 Tascam mixer for what looks like a decent price (about $100) and I was looking for some input from people who might know the machine or type. It looks to be in pretty good shape and I'm guessing was produced in the early 90s. I'm looking to use it to do final mix on stuff from my 4-track and possibly use it's pre-amps if they're any good. My 4-track has a five band EQ but controls all the tracks simultaneously, so is very constricting. I'm also hoping this mixer may be of some use when I move to a hard disk recorder and to also possibly record live shows.

I'm also curious on tips of what to look for as far as working quality. I was planning to go in with a microphone and headphones and check it out. It's at a pawn shop, so I can't get any info. from the guys at the shop who probably stole it in the first place.

Thanks a bunch,
