Any String Composers Out There?


New member

Anywho, I've been working on this song for my garage band. I am the drummer, but I also do the string arrangements for a few songs where two or three part strings make nice backing.

However, this song in mind I have a grand scheme. I want an entire orchestra (or at least 6 parts) for this, except I'm having some troubles getting some good ideas as it is a big overwhelming. I don't have an MP3 of the song, as we haven't really played it much yet, but I have the basic idea of it on Finale at this site:

Just a few ideas would be great to get me started, if I decide to use it, I promise to give you credit if you so desire. And if you want to do this but don't have Finale, I'll send a MIDI over.

I only need the last 32 or so measures, as that's where it really becomes prominent.

Basically, I just want some ideas for creating an orchestral piece with a rock song. Sorry for being so long winded.
Try to make a mp3 in high quality without any strings at all and indicate where you want the strings. Then I can try to add some for you. But a 6 string section? Sounds WAY too much for me. If you mean 6 different string lines that is. If you mean up to 6 string instruments where some of them play the same line, then its a different ballgame and might sound good.
But 6 different will be a mess IMO.
In a case where you like my strings I will send you the midi file.
on anohter note... what is the best software program available to create realistic strings in the background of rock songs or even acoustic songs...
Hmm. I dont use any dedicated software programs for that other than a sequencer. Are you thinking about software sounds? If you are you can probably use a software sampler and some string samples (Kontakt from Native Instruments is one software sampler).
Me, I use a hardware synth (Korg Trinity) to add strings. Then I might use some plugins (Audio and midi plugins) from the sequencer to add reverb, EQ and maybe some nifty timing midi plugins.
Thats all it takes basically. Strings are very generous on timing since they have this slow attack and long lasting sounds (with sustain pedal) so stings are probably some of the more easy instruments to get into the groove.
But if I'm putting in detailed strings (read:quick riffs/lines) I will need to use the sequencer and some quantize and drag and drop to make them sit tight and good.
Hi terragf,

I'd be happy to give it a shot too. I think the mp3 demo without strings is the best way to evaluate what I/we can/cannot do to the piece.


If you cannot supply us a MP3 then send the midi file. Remember to mark the tracks properly with instrument names as my Korg Trinity isn't GM compatible.
(Well it is sort of after loading a disc but the sounds are so crappy compared to the real Trinity sounds that I never cared to get a new floppy after I lost the original GM sound setup disc)
It's also great for me if you split out your drumsounds (if any) on seperate midi tracks and name them properly. (i.e. kick on one track, hihat on another and so on)
The midi can be mailed to emusicATemakerDOTno
replace AT with @ and DOT with . :)
This to avoid bots to pick up my email. It's relatively spam free yet
Ok, thanks to all those willing to help.

As for a MIDI and MP3...

I put the MIDI up, it's at:

The instruments should be labelled right, I never messed with them, and I double checked them.

As for an MP3...I can't get you an MP3 of us actually playing it, but I'll work on getting on of my keyboard playing the parts and creating an MP3 out of it. I'll be up by the end of the night.

Measure 98 is the early starting point, and if you don't have measure numbers it's at point 3:49 in the MIDI
Very weird. I downloaded your midifile, but it wont open in my sequencer. No errormessage; just nothing. Nada. It's just blank. No data on any tracks.
Furthermore - when I try to start it in WinAmp by doubleclicking it, WinAmp crashes to desktop. I can start any other midifile with WinAmp so the problem seems to be within your midifile.
Any clue?
: ( Hmm...I dunno what the problem could be, it runs just fine on Winamp and in the browser on my computer...I'll work on it, and see what I can come up with
terragf, i managed to open the midi. i'm keen to try help you out. i wonder what style you're going for? it all sounds very dramatic! kind of gothic. 6 voice strings are not difficult, a full string orchestra has 5 sections (violin I & II, viola, 'cello, double-bass), and any of those can be divided into smaller sections. but when you're talking about a "full orchestra", do you mean a full orchestra (including woodwinds, horns, brass) or are you just talking strings.

if you want, email me with more details about the song. it's style/genre, it's lyrics, etc. and then we can talk about what choices to make?
Any chanche you can try to save the file both in midi type 0 and 1 and post a link to it?
I still cant open it. Weird.