Any recommendations?


New member
I have just purchased Reaper and I was wondering what some of you out there might use for your external editor. I have used Audacity in the past but I was just curious if there was any other programs that you might recommend?
When I first started using Reaper, I too wanted to use an external editor, the way I edited in Logic. However, I soon discovered that you can do just about anything you want within Reaper. I don't use an external editor. The general technique is to zoom in on the bit that concerns you, use 'S' to split it before and aft and isolate it fom the rest of the track, then mess around with it to your heart's content (right clicking gives you a whole heap of options and tools). The big advantage of working this way is that it is non-destructive, and you can go back to where you once were.
I use audacity as my external editor but not particularly often. As Gecko said, most of what you'd need an external editor for is already in Reaper.
Nothing wrong with using Audacity or Reaper itself.

I use Sony Soundforge but only because I got a stupid cheap upgrade for it many years ago after buying a $10 copy of ACID 2.0.... mainly used it for the convolution processing but now you can do that in Reaper using ReaVerb.