Any one use Izotope Ozone 4 ?

Eh, personally, I'd avoid it. I've heard far more recordings wrecked than helped (granted, it was simple user inexperience and "wow" factor). But in any case, it really makes it very easy to completely screw up an otherwise decent recording.

I know a few people who use the dither...
the tools on it look great...but i bet most just pull down the preset list and go from there...probably why it gets so many negative remarks
Thanks for the input so what would be a good one too get?

what do you need it for?

if you are just looking to finish tracks I bet your DAW already has the plugs you need...compression, EQ, may want to add a stereo expanding tool, an exciter of some sort, maybe a multiband compressor

thats really all Ozone gives you....but learn the individual tools...seems a waste to work at a track for so long to rely on an FX suite to make it sound good...
I have Ozone 3 and like using it. I basically use it for its limiter, which I really like. I like the way everything is laid out and in one plug. I use mine in Wavelab after I mixed my songs down to 2-track.

I don't use everything in the plug, like Harmonic Exciter or MBC. I'll use the EQ when I'm doing more than one song or if I hear something stand out when I play it the car, laptop, etc.

I heard the dither feature is very good, but I wouldn't know about it, never hear any difference with ot without. Probably it has to do with the type of music I'm using it with.

A lot of people will be negative towards Ozone because it is easy to misuse or abuse. People will just pull up a preset and expect it to magically make their songs sound good. It doesn't work that way, but Izotope is marketing to that mentality. Start with a clean slate and make only the adjustments you need to obtain your goals. And experiment... you'll learn a lot about your mixes when you try different things.

I wouldnt bother with ozone 4...It isnt anything special...its a waste of money.

I would take the money you would of spent on that and invest in some decent plugins for mixing instead.

If I were spending money on anything Izotope makes I would probably buy Izotope trash however trash isnt for mastering or anything...its more of a distortion type of plugin.
I have it and used to use it a bit for a few things but now I use it only for some of the visual monitoring and Quick sum to mono funtions and then take it off before the mix down, I do this:

1) it can instantly sum the master output to mono which is a really useful feature for checking for mono compatability (Cell phone ring tones etc) if your DAW can't sum the whole mix into mono while you're monitoring

2) It has a great phase correlation monitor so you can visually check for phase cancellation and identify where in the song it's happening if you are having a hard time tracking it down, or just donw't want to keep listening to the track over and over again in mono to find the spot which could cause your mix to colapse in mono playback.

3) it has a cool vectorscope that you can use to quickly check/verify the mix is well centered once you are more or less happy with how it sounds (unless you are intentionally looking for it to be tilted off to one side) that can save a lot of A/Bing time

I do use the dither when I'm coming from 32bit float wav to an MP3 to post up for litening on the web but I don't do any audio manipulation with it any more, I don't like how it sounds
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I like Ozone 4 I've just starting using it and it's super powerful, I'm liking all the features being available in one windows makes it a lot easier for adjustment, just try and not use presets ;)

i do a lot of acoustic guitar recording with vocals. i like using the tools on individual tracks, specifically, the multiband compressor. I also like adding some subtle harmonic excitation to rhythm guitar. but it's easy to overdo things with this software. moderation is the key. I've just started using it, and it can separate different parts of the song well, but I've overprocessed several times with it and had to go back and turn the processing down. stay away from the presets. i don't know why they put so many on there.