Any ideas on how to..............


New member
Hey. I really need one of those beater patches for my kick drum head.
The problem is the closest music store is miles away and i dont have a car.
Does anyone have any ideas on making one? if so, what would be a good
thing to make it out of ?. thanks.
How about a quarter or fifty cent piece and some duct tape? That'll give you a nice clicky/slappy sound.
Both coins and later credit cards have been used by drummers for decades. Some drummers cut a piece of leather. I've always been partial to the credit card (that way I have somnething to bail out my bass player when needed) :D .
Felt beaters could be your problem, is that what you're using?

I would consider wooden beaters if you can get 'em. I tried the rubber ones that came with my Double Iron Cobra but they just kill the sustain of the drum and felt "sticky" on the rebound.

don't use Duct tape on your beater head. The impact from your beater will eventually expose the adhesive, and your beater will stick to the head. Head ruined, beater needs to be cleaned. If you must use some adhesive, use an epoxy.
cut a square about 4"x4" out of any old drum head, and tape it across the top and sides, leave the bottom (allows air flow). this is the most natural sounding solution i've come across.
fritzmusic said:
I second dr.colossus suggestion.

I also would go with the dr.colossus suggestion. I like natural.

If you WANT super clicky, get a peice of formica limanate. Tape it to the head around where the beater hits. You definately don't want tape where the beater hits. The other suggestion of wood beaters is right on. You can also file the wood a little flatter if it doesn't spin around, and you'll have more surface area in contact with the head. Wood and formica will give you the Lars Ulrich sound. (or as close as you can get without the fibre beater pad.) It might be a little over the top.

Also the plastic DW beaters with felt on the other side gives you the option to change sound without carrying other beaters around.

branded said:
Hey. I really need one of those beater patches for my kick drum head.
The problem is the closest music store is miles away and i dont have a car.
Does anyone have any ideas on making one? if so, what would be a good
thing to make it out of ?. thanks.

Try moleskin -- the stuff you find in the shoe dept. of any drugstore. It has moleskin on one side, adhesive on the other. Protects the head and lasts a long time. Won't give you that clicky sound but it works fine for a beater patch.

Hey. Thanks for the ideas :) I went to radio shack the other day
and they had pick gaurds there for acoustic guitars so i bought 2
and cut a circle out of each one about the diameter of a shaving
cream can. This worked awsome cause it already had the glue
on the back so all I had to do was cut it and stick it on, it stuck
really well too. They were just the cheap thin pick gaurds but they
are the perfect thickness for a patch, It gives that nice "click"
sound, reminds me of the slipknot kick sound. Thanks again.