Any experiences with AGNULA or other Linux distros?


New member
I was wondering if anyone here uses a Linux Distro to do their recording. I've been considering migrating towards Linux, since Window$ seems to want to lose customers with absurd privacy violations...

Anyways, I've been looking at AGNULA's demudi, and was wondering if I could just APT-get all the components for the MEPIS I have installed on the other half of this dual-boot machine.

The only concerns I have really are driver compatibilty for latency and quality, and the success of firewire in linux. I've been planning to get a new audio interface from my Soundblaster Audigy and have been looking at the Presonus Firebox and Echo Audiowire8 as potential future interfaces. I'm also planning on getting a laptop with firewire so I can optimize the versatility of my soon to be interface...

So does anyone have experience recording/multitracking/mixing in linux (possibly with a firewire interface)?

Thanks in advance for all the great help!
