any digi programs have powered mixers??

bill elder

New member
Looking for a digi studeo program that has a powered mixing board, you know, for programing your mix down. More explained. Say I have 1/2 a track I want to throw into the mix down at the 2:10 mark of the song, well when I go to do this, the board will remember it, so when I rewind to the start of the song, I can then go to another track and punch it in at say the 1 minute mark of a song and the board will remember it as well and so on, till I'm ready for the final mix down of the song. This is what I mean by a powered board. Any digi programs have this????
I meant not powered mixers, but programmable mixers

correcting myself, I would like to know if any digi programs have programmable mixers., not powered mixers.
Are you asking if there are any digital audio applications that have a user interface that looks like a mixing board? I know some do, I suspect most do. At least as one way of looking at the data; not usually the only interface view, and often not as useful as a more computer-centric interface might be.