any bassists care to record a track for me?


New member
Hi everyone, I have this tune that Ive been looking forward to getting done, but haven't gotten anyone to bite as this one thus far, so I figured I'd share it here in case anyone digs it.

this is an acoustic song, basically just combinations of G, A, and E, tuned down half a step. This is one of my favorites and I think it'll be cool once it's done. I always play sloppy demos, but it's in time and that's the most I can ask of myself when creating demos (and one of my two dobermans conveniently barks during a silent moment in the song lol)

If anyone likes it enough to play along, feel free to do so. Thanks for listening :)
Okay, seems to work now. I might take a crack at it tomorrow afternoon and see what I can come up with. It sounds nice and I've got a few ideas for it.
Since it's just chords right now, I quess I should ask, do you want the song to be a happy one or sad one. And by the way, I happen to like the part where your dog barks.
I'd chime in on this, but I already have two on the burner, and I am not getting any of my own stuff done! :mad:

Seriously, though. I love doing this kind of stuff. If you still need something next week, I'll see what I can do...
glad you guys seem to enjoy this one. i definitely love it. as for the vibe, hmm. is gritty a sort of mood? this song just feels like it should talk about being on the road, as a wanderer or something. so something bluesy i guess :) hope this made some sense