Any Art Tube settings for Vox?


New member
Okay, I've got my Rode NT1 and Art Tube MP -- I'm all for playing around and getting that "perfect" setting, but after playing around with the MP on guitar and bass -- I just wanna plug-in and have a workable setting for my Rodes NT1.

Anyone got any personal favs for various vocal styles of their own?

~Dakota Goldsworth
Did you ever get a distorted signal from the ART Tube MP even when the green light didn't turn red?

I was recording the other day. The light was green the whole time but the signal was kinda dirty.
No, not yet -- though I've only had one chance to really use the Art with vocals, whereas I've been having fun messing with guitar, bass and so on through it.

I've been able to use my guitar through it clean, without getting unwanted distortion, even though for some reason I get a tiny bit of flickering when I go direct & clean without it.

But that's why I was asking about Art/Vox settings; for instance if you're a boisterous, plosive singer -- what settings do you use? If your delivery's a little weak and restrained, what settings and placement for mics work best for you? Gets a lil' more difficult than two knobs after a while there.

~Dakota Goldsworth
Do you guys notice one red light coming on sooner or brighter on one channel even though the input is from the same source? In other words, say you plugged an electric guitar, with the input turned to max on the left channel, and noted the response of the red light, then plugged it into the right channel with the input maxed, do you get the exact response from the red light? I don't and the people at ART said it just wasn't calibrated to the light equally for each channel and for me to forget about it. Seems like a new unit should be right on, but maybe I'm being too picky?
I think the clipping indicator in these is useless, and doesn't seem to correlate between what sounds distorted. This is especially noticeable on piano when the input to the tube is too high.

I don't think my two are calibrated at all, and previous threads on this BBS seem to support this for many people. It seems to give the illusion of having a function that isn't really there.

I just ignore it and go for the best sound I can get.
Thanks MarkW. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's noticed that. :)

I guess what worried me was when I first got the unit I was sort of testing it by plugging in my electric guitar, with it's volume knob maxed. No effects, just straight into the ART with the input maxed. I could be wrong, but it seemed like the left red light was a little brighter for about the first 20 seconds. I dunno. I was worried that maybe I partially fried a component or something. It still sounds okay, as far as I can tell.

[This message has been edited by monty (edited 05-18-2000).]
I'm using two tube mps, not the dual, but I find I have to change the settings each time I use it, depending on how loud I'm singing, how I'm working the mics, what I've had for dinner, etc. I try to keep the input gain greater than the output gain, whatever the setting.
I have the dual MP and when i run my pod through it in stereo, one channel(2) clips before the other one. Thats kinda bogus that they arent calibrated the same... I think this may be the first flaw that anyone has found with the MP. I thought it was because I was using two different types of patch cable for the left and right channels or something.
Anyway for recording vox with a NT-1 I keep the output at 12:00 and the input at between 1:00 and 3:00 with the gain on norm.
That could be the POD though. What you might try is the left output from the POD into each side of the mp, one side at a time. That way you'll be sure that the same level is being sent from the POD. I'd be interested in knowing what your results showed. :D