any advice for a new beatmaker?


New member
sup guys, i just got FL studio and am an aspiring mc/beat creator. i made 2 beats and i was just wondering what yall thought about it, any advice is appreciated, positive or negative. the first beat is kind of uplifting and the other one is kinda a trippy/ space beat. thanks alot g's

Ok first the 2nd beat only is like 5 seconds dont know what's up with that.

Okay was able to hear the whole 1st beat. seems like you have fruity loops down a bit. Now what you need to do is probably upgrade your sound library either that or figure out a way to get the best out of the sounds you got. My only probablem with the beat is the sounds even to be fruity loops it sounds like it was created with casio keyboard. The rythm is pretty good for a first beat. You just need to keep banging at it but for a start your doing fine. You have to start somewhere.

leave it alone i got this locked!!!!!!!!!!

nah just trippin, take your time and master what you have!!, there will always be more gear than money, if pharell can click his damn tongue and press 2 keys on a microkorg then you can probably beat on a cardbox an go platinum with the right amount hype!!
smashngrab said:
if pharell can click his damn tongue and press 2 keys on a microkorg then you can probably beat on a cardbox an go platinum with the right amount hype!!

Simplicity sells, if people think its catchy.
i coundnt hear the first beat, second is only 5 secs for real, i really wanted to hear work from another fruity loops user!!!!
I just got back into beat making, just do what you feel is right, but don't go overboard throwing in 100 sounds when only 2 will get the point across... that's my advice.
take your time and do your research before you buy equipment. Also don't be scared to invest in hardware, don't limit yourself to software sequencers. If you look in any studio of any producer that's actually doin somethin the one thing they have in common is an MPC or the roland equivalent. Trust me it will take your game to a whole other level. It ads a feel and swing that you just can't achieve with software.
fuck the whole "you reallyreallyreallyreally need to go hardware" yibba yabba....some machine isn't gonna make you dope.

fuck around with fruity some first, at least.

-stay away from the standard sounds
-experiment a lot with placement of your drumsounds within the pattern...
-mess around with the shuffel button a little bit
-try to use some shorter sounds instead of the whole big synth-string thing...

your 1st beat sounds nice but it sounds more like some chillout movie shit instead of a hip hop beat...

keep up, do your thing

