Anti-climax need your opinions :)


New member

This is another song of our album. (mixingstage)
Can you please comment on everything that bothers you?
If anything seems wrong weird off tune please let me know.
I'd rather have you beat this song to death then to say it's alright, we need to be able to make some last minute adjustements.

Thanks ALOT in advance :)
For a song of its genre it seems okay to me.

There are a many interesting musical things happening, which keeps me engaged until the end. I see that considerable thought has gone into the arrangement.

The performance is competent and the vocals are strong, so it's so far so good.

The mix is probably okay . . . but it disturbs me. And the reason is that I don't get a senses of 'togetherness'. I found myself listening to either the vocal, the kit, or the guitars left and right . . . and my brain wasn't registering the track as a whole.

Now that could just be me. So you will need to get other opinions. But it could also be a result of the spatial arrangement of the elements. Were I to be mixing this, I'd like to bring the guitars closer to the centre and bring the kit forward a bit. My guess is that the guitars are hard-panned left and right, which is a very common technique . . . but it's not one I care for all that much, because unless care is taken, it leaves a big hole slap bang in the middle. That's okay for the kit . . . but it too leaves centre stage by sounding further back.