another Solaris mic question.


New member
i recorded some vocal tracks in a room with no isolation about a week ago with a ksm 32. the microphone didn't capture the room ambience, which was a plus. now i'm looking into purchasing this microphone, or possibly an at4047. my question is, should i consider the m-audio solaris? has anyone tried it in a room which was not treated? how are the results in comparison to a ksm 32?
thanks :D
I have a KSM44 and a Solaris, and I find that they both sound good on similar sources. The solaris is a great buy, IMHO, but my rooms are all treated. That said, I would be inclined to purchase a 4047 personally, because I have heard nothing but great things about it, but the 4040 I have tends to pick up a lot of room, so the 4047 might be the same. Just a thought. I think if you liked the ksm32, buy it.

It may sound crazy but I've been noticing that lesser quality mics tend to sound better in untreated rooms. I own a Baby Bottle and while it's not high end it does pick up every nuance of the room while my groove tubes mic doesn't.
yeah, in a previous thread i heard the baby blue reflects a lot of your room. well, i've made up my mind and i'm going with the shure ksm32. thanx for your replies :cool: